Weekly News From Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair
This week has illustrated the fundamental divide between the two parties in Wisconsin politics. We’re running on doing right by working families in every corner of our state. The GOP is running on a special-interest agenda that only serves the ultra-rich and the ultra-MAGA.
Ron Johnson continues his assault on Social Security—saying he wants to “fix” Social Security and that funds should be invested in the stock market. This builds on his proposal to put Social Security on the Congressional chopping block, his defense of Big Pharma and opposition to negotiations on drug prices, and his vote against capping insulin costs. His record is clear—he wants to help special interests rip off Wisconsinites—Republicans, independents, and Democrats alike; white, Black, and brown; in rural communities and cities and suburbs.
But he doesn’t talk about that in his TV ads—much the opposite. He’s now running ads full of lies, dog-whistles, and innuendos, trying to ramp up fear and division about crime.
This is the classic formula for Republican politicians: drive up fear, use that to gain power, and use that power to fleece the public on behalf of the ultra-wealthy.
And just like we did in 2018 and 2020, we’re going to make it backfire. No matter their politics, people don’t like getting ripped off. And by explaining what Ron Johnson is doing, we take away its power.
Meanwhile, in the Governor’s race Tim Michels is in hiding, running ads to try to bamboozle Wisconsinites into forgetting the ultra-Trumpist extremism we saw on display mere days ago, on everything from reproductive freedom to public safety to democracy itself. We’re not going to let him get away with that. All over Wisconsin, ads are on the air explaining just how vicious and extreme a politician Tim Michels really is—using video of his own words.
But it’s not enough to explain how bad the other side is. As Democrats, we win when we also show who we are and what we’re for—and then turn out and protect the vote.
It’s all of our job to communicate the truth: that Mandela Barnes is the son of a third-shift auto worker and a public school teacher, and is working to fight against outsourcing so we build things right here in Wisconsin. Governor Evers, a former teacher, wakes up every day to do what’s right, and is ready to invest even more in our schools, connect even more families to broadband, pave even more roads, and send money from our budget surplus home to Wisconsinites to help people deal with rising costs.
The Inflation Reduction Act is a distillation of all of this. The Act brings families’ costs down, it tackles the climate crisis, it requires the wealthy and big corporations to pay more of their fair share. Every Wisconsin Democrat in Congress voted for it. Every Wisconsin Republican in DC voted against it. And now comes the time for accountability.
The latest polls have us up in both the Governor and Senate races—and our candidates down ballot have tremendous energy and momentum. But we have to expect that there will be ups and downs in the 81 days until November 8. The GOP will try to divide and distract at every turn. We’ll bring the focus back to making Wisconsin a state that works for everyone. We’ll lead with our values—and we’ll make history.
In solidarity,
Where, Oh Where, has Tim Michels Gone?
Tim Michels spent the first week and a half of the general election avoiding voters and the press. This week, Michels made appearances at invite-only events exclusive to party leaders and members and has refused to be interviewed when the press is finally able to track him down.
Michels can try to dodge questions about his radical record all he wants, but Wisconsinites won’t be fooled by his parlor tricks. Over the course of four months pandering to the Ultra-MAGA base of the Republican party, Michels has: said the 1849 ban on abortion that doesn’t include exceptions for rape or incest is “an exact mirror” of his position; confirmed that he supports restricting the rights of LGBTQ+ Wisconsinites; called continuing to increase education funding the “definition of insanity”; and refused to answer whether he would certify the 2024 election.
Self-Serving Ron Johnson Continues to Sell Out Wisconsin
Last week, a new report detailed how Ron Johnson actively tried to block an investigation into Teva Pharmaceuticals, a company accused of deliberately contributing to and exploiting the opioid epidemic. Johnson was rewarded for his efforts to protect Teva when the company gave him thousands of dollars in pol L itical contributions.
Johnson is a self-described “big supporter” and “defender” of the drug companies that are driving up the costs of necessary and life-saving prescriptions, so it’s no wonder that he voted against cutting prescription drug costs for Wisconsinites and capping insulin at $35 a month. To date, Johnson has received more than one million dollars from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries all while the cost of health care soars and the opioid epidemic ravages Wisconsin communities.
It’s clear that Johnson would rather serve his donors and special interests than work to bring down costs and protect Wisconsinites.
President Biden Highlights the Inflation Reduction Act in a New Op-Ed
President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law this week, delivering on his promise to build an economy that works for working families. The IRA is a historic win for Wisconsin that will lower prescription drug and energy costs, ramp up efforts to confront the climate crisis, and ensure that the wealthiest corporations finally pay more of their fair share.
In an op-ed published by Yahoo News, President Biden explained how the IRA is proof that Democrats deliver for the American people. By lowering health care and energy costs and ensuring big corporations pay more of their fair share in taxes, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are fulfilling their promise to deliver progress and prosperity for all Americans–not just the super wealthy and special interests.